Oregon Trail as described by women who experienced it.

Monday, February 8, 2010

This book "Women's Diaries of the Westward Journey" by Lillian Schlissel is my current reading material. I am doing some reading about the Oregon Trail for the background information for the biography of my great grandfather. This book is very interesting, with the true diaries written by the women who experienced the life changing journey across North America. Many of them walked barefoot 2000 miles, pregnant, with small children holding hands, and carrying a baby. I have such admiration for them. Most of the families had very difficult times. I think of myself as being pretty tough, but this experience is very eye opening for me. I have read the story of my families trip, and I so wish that I had a dairy from my great great grandmother, Elvira Hawley. She was very sick with "Mountain Fever". I have read several descriptions of this illness....extreme fatigue. very bad nutrition, and typhoid. I have to wonder what it was exactly? I continue reading and learning much. I do like this book that I borrowed from the local library. I will purchase a copy for myself and sister.