I love my new blog design! And I love my cowboy hat too!

Monday, February 28, 2011
I really love my new blog design.  It was created for me by Karen Valentine. I suggested design ideas and she created this wonderful custom design for me.

I also love this vintage art, I am reminded of my cowboy hat.  It is an interesting story about how I acquired the hat. My hubby received the hat from a friend who also worked for the Forest Service.  Now, I have no idea where the guy got the official Forest Service uniform hat. The hat had never been shaped and worn.  It was still in the original old hat box. Well, hubby didn't want it anymore....and suggested that I give it to someone who collects vintage Forest Service stuff.  Then I tried the hat on...and it fit me I kept it. But, the problem was to get it shaped properly.  I was heading to Idaho for my Aunt Glenda's birthday.  I know that there is a great western shop, Hamleys, in Pendleton Oregon. I arranged to stop there, to get the hat shaped. The hat guy was waiting for me at 4 pm that day.  The man was actually fondling the hat, as he told me about it.  It was made in the 1930's, is very good real beaver fur.  A hat of this quality is very expensive nowadays.  I have a very special vintage Forest Service hat. I wish that I knew how it made this way to the guy we got it from. I can speculate that he must have gotten it from a Forest Service "Old Timer". It is now beautifully shaped, and oh so special to me. I look a bit like this art wearing the hat.