Territorial Seed Company
Sunday, April 15, 2012
It has not snowed in one week...dare I think about my garden? Yes, there are some plants that need to be planted pretty soon. Territorial Seed Company is located in Cottage Grove, Oregon. The trial gardens are located about 40 miles from here, and are a similar growing environment to my home garden. The seeds and plants that they sell do very well for the west side of the Cascade Mtns. I recommend their products, the seeds, plants, and growing tips that are right in the seed catalog. Territorial Seed
There has been a tiny break in the weather. I planted 2 Artichoke plants, 18 Broccoli plants, and 20 Strawberry plants. I am starting Snow Pea Seeds indoors and hope to plant them in a few days. I worked on the raised planting bed for the peas...it is now ready.