
Sunday, December 29, 2013

The weather here on the farm is wonderful, clear, sunny, and 50 degrees. When we go to the city, that is an hour away and about 2000' lower in elevation............guess what?  It is cold and very foggy!  I detest it!

That said....sometimes there is a need for food and supplies....and that means the town trip because everything costs so much in this rural area.

At least the winter is better than the NE USA is having...a week without electricity in the very cold is terrible.  That said...we are stilling dealing with repairs to the house with the frozen and burst pipes.

BTW, I know some people in east/central Oregon...who left their home without heat for a week...when they got home the toilet was frozen solid!! You know how cold it is to freeze one inside a house? Burrrrrrrrrrrr
I imagine that all the pipes were frozen also, talk about a big mistake.