Garden and Good Weather

Monday, April 17, 2017

Saturday was the very best sunny day! I have had it with this non-stop rain. Of course it is going to rain again for several days....  I had a plan for how to use this nice day, with plenty of sunscreen on my face. Getting some starts into the raised beds was at the top of my list. This raised bed is just planted with Brociflower, we love it and I freeze all the extra for later. 

This raised bed is newly planted with Snow Crown Cauliflower. They grow very well in this bed that gets a little shade and is a little cooler for them.

This garlic was planted last October and is doing well. I have been working on a variety that grows well here. Now that I have screen under this area...the gophers cannot eat it all. Note the rhubarb growing in the top right in the pic, it is coming up, and I am hoping for a good crop. The grass and weeds are growing very well.

I worked hard all day. This winter has made me soft with all the lazy days indoors. My feet were killing me! 

I did many other outdoor things as well......