Let others own their own words...

Thursday, June 8, 2017
Dear Beautiful Soul,

Boy oh boy...relationships can be complicated, can't they? 

If you find yourself being on the other side of behavior that feels mean or vindictive or harsh or defensive or argumentative, try to remember to let others own their actions and their words. 

Sometimes things we do or say are triggers to other's unhealed wounds...wounds that have nothing to do with us but are simply unhealed. And often people will try to punish us for wounds that were there long before we were, just because we may have innocently and unknowingly triggered those old wounds.

So don't get sucked into all of that, and instead just lovingly let others own their own stuff. Make sure you own yours too.

The key to soul freedom is to own your behavior, your reactions and your thoughts....and to let others own theirs. 

It'll bring you more really will.

This is a daily message from Brave Girls Club.