Be Kind to Yourself

Thursday, July 6, 2017
Today it is time for you to be kind. To yourself. You are the only one who knows the parts of you that need kindness the most, and for this reason, only you can provide this kind of deep kindness that you so need.
brave girls club - as valuable as anyone else
 So today, please just try to be kind to the weak parts of yourself. Be kind to your addictions and your frailties, your mistakes and all of your human parts. Rather than treating these parts of yourself with hatred and disgust, please just take hands with these parts and say, “I am with you, we will make it through this.”
There are these kinds of parts to ALL of us. These parts are lonely, scared and act out in ways that make us sometimes feel ashamed. BUT, they ARE parts of us.
Just try, sweetest girl — just try. BE KIND to ALL of you. Let her know that it’s gonna be okay, that you are going to stay with her and love her no matter what as she works through all of this.
It will be worth it.
You are so deeply loved.
Brave Girls Club