...............The Positivity Manifesto

Saturday, December 28, 2019

To Be Positive, And To Live A Positive Life,
 Means That I…

Live with love, compassion and respect in how I treat myself, others, animals and the environment.

Have gratitude for whatever blessings I have in life.

Prioritize self-care (holistically – mind, body and soul) to honor the life I’ve been gifted.

Acknowledge that it’s human for me to have difficult thoughts and feelings, and choosing to live consciously – by each day practicing being my best self with how I manage my thoughts, feelings, actions and interactions.

Be present and calm in the face of difficult people and situations, choosing how I respond.

Look for the most empowering perspectives and effective actions available to me in any situation, no matter what life brings.

Cultivate self-belief and confidence by remembering that I am stronger and more capable than I realize.

Be open minded and understanding with people who are different – remembering every person is unique, on their own journey in this life, with their own goals, dreams and challenges.

Practice forgiveness and letting go of the past in order to be truly free within myself and in my life.

Proactively contribute to life in the ways I am able to, no matter how big or small (a simple smile goes a long way!)

Wholeheartedly accept life is a journey with both highs and lows, enjoying the ride and making the most of my time here.

from The Daily Positive