Dear Beautifully-Unique Girl

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Your daily truth from Brave Living...

Dear Beautifully-Unique Girl,

You'll never find your happiness in someone else's version of life. You are not like anyone else.

You are different from anyone who ever came before you and anyone who will ever come after; your likes, dislikes, strengths, weaknesses, and motivations are unique to you.

It's so worth it to do the work to figure out just what it is that brings the sparkle into your eyes.

Find out what really lights you up and then search for more of THAT in your life. Own it, grow it, protect it, and embrace it. Search it out and hold on to it -- FIND YOUR JOY IN IT.

Just be you, then be true to that YOU. The world needs you in all of your alive-ness. You can't come completely alive until you know what it is that gets you there. 

You are so so sooooooo loved.


PS - This photo surprises me every time I see it. This girl could be my twin...from another era. It is amazing.