Becoming Wise

Friday, May 31, 2019

In a world afraid of aging, here’s something to be excited about…

Dear Becoming Soul,
How does one become wise? 
Think about it….
Wisdom comes from just ONE thing…experience. And it doesn’t matter what the experiences are. Every single experience teaches us something we didn’t know before.  
When we extract the lessons from our life experiences, whether those experiences are good or bad or difficult…we gain wisdom.
In a world that is afraid of aging, we can be very excited about become wise. The world needs more wise women (and wise men)…and wisdom grows and blossoms year after year. 
brave living - melody ross - beocming a wise woman
All of those experiences you are having…all that you’re shouldering and carrying and dealing with and figuring out and surviving…they are building you into someone who is very wise with so much to give. 
You are so very loved.