Choosing Your Tribe

Monday, November 18, 2019

Dear Seeking Girl,
When you are striving to create a more meaningful, joyful, peaceful life, one of the best things you can do is to surround yourself with people who will help you get there.
We can’t always choose the people we walk with on our paths through life, but whenever we can we should choose to spend our days with people who bring out the best in us, who see the best in us, and who believe the best about us.
Seek out people who make you want to become a better person, people who leave you feeling better than you did before you spent time with them . . . people who are focused on good, beautiful, and uplifting things.
It will inevitably rub off on you, and before you know it, YOU will be the one that others are seeking out because YOU are leaving everyone better, happier, and more hopeful than they were before you found them.
You matter. You are so very loved.