
Saturday, May 23, 2020

I am struggling. My mental health is over the top. My blog is difficult, what I am to write about. I just need to rant! It would do no good. 

I sit here, trying to am I...?

My stomach hurts me, I feel agitated, angry, hopeless, tired, desperate and very lonely. I am extremely sad, and feel like crying. The Old Man Crap is difficult for my mental health. How do I write about it?

The Governor won the suit today, and we Oregonians are to be kept under lock and virtual handcuffs.

I want the citizens to rebel, I want us to take back our lives. It is starting...I saw it today.  People are not staying home anymore, they are traveling, they are shopping in the few places open to us. The traffic was amazing, many people on the roads.

I am struggling.