Old Man Crap Happens

Thursday, August 11, 2022

 I think that this problem is extremely common in old men. They will not seek medical care until they are nearly dead. My father refused to do anything about his sickness until he was nearly completely disabled. He could not work, and he could only minimally survive in his life, then he sought medical care.

Just a note. My parents were extremely adverse to going to doctors and dentists. They believed in going to a grocery store and buying OTC products to treat themselves. Luckily for me, I have a great immune system. I never got sick, and I was "healthy as a horse".

Back to father...when he finally went to get care.. He had extremely advanced cancer, with no chance to survive.

Now, the neighbor has many medical issues. He waited until he had a severe denying it. To emergency he went, in an ambulance. Yesterday!!

A friend of the old man did the same thing, in May 2022. He fell and off to the emergency room he went. Several days later, he went to live with his son. He survived, but will never live in his home again.

Old Man Crap is still denying that he almost died. He had a stroke at the hospital. It was centered in the vision area of his brain.

At this time, he is recovered as far as possible. Stupid, stupid, stupid, you can't fix stupid. 

I have taken him as far as possible, it's been 11 long months.