1960 Singer Sewhandy Electric Machine
Friday, May 6, 2011
I had a small manual sewing machine as a little girl, there is a cute photo of me with it one Christmas. I barely remember it, but it looked like this one. I starting sewing with my mother on her old Singer. I wanted that Girl Scout Badge and she helped by teaching me how to sew. I made a dress, with a plaid to match...it was a challenge. I wore my dress too.
I purchased this one that I found at the Thrift Store last week. It is an electric Singer Sewhandy, circa 1962. It sews a nice chain stitch, no bobbin at all.
It was only $15. I need the tension knob. The motor runs well and the needle is moving correctly. I was reminded of the 1960's when I actually learned the skills. Maybe, it was the thrill of the find! It is now proudly displayed in my sewing room-studio-office at home. Singer still has instruction manual for this little beauty online.