Work, Work, Work!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yep, that is me, today. I took down the Christmas tree, and all the decorations. I took the time to organize the decorations into 3 tubs to store for next year, yay....I will have everything ready to go.  My blogging friend Candy, whose blog is Lazy J Bar C Farm, wrote a post about scheduling... her plan to tackle housecleaning. Candy's post inspired me to think about my home. My plan is 1 hour of housecleaning daily, and 1 hour of going through my stuff to pare it down. I think that I boxed up stuff in 2008, and haven't needed or looked at it since then. Well, to me that says...what? Get rid of it!  I think that I may Craigslist some of it. Magazines, Mother Earth News, Grit, Hobby Farms, Countryside, Country Living, Organic Gardening, and more various titles.
Wish me luck!