Glamping Tip - Stanley Thermos
Tuesday, October 6, 2015
This tip can be useful for many people, and not just for camping. There are several kinds of thermos' around our house. This brand is worth the extra price. Or, maybe you can find one at the thrift store that is like new. I have two 16 oz bottles that I use in Prairie Flower. I have no water heater, so I must heat water on the stove. My favorite practice is to heat water in the morning for tea, and I heat enough to fill the two Stanley thermos bottles. I fill my two Stanley 16 oz Bottles, and usually have plenty of hot water. The water is still extremely hot 12 hours later, and the next morning it is only a little cooler.
I like the 16 oz size because they store easily in the trailer, and are a good size to handle.
I tested other brands that I have around the house, and none kept the water hot like these. Most were quite lukewarm, if not cool. These will probably go to a thrift store...why keep the ones that are inferior?
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