Palouse, Washington
Monday, November 9, 2015
I took and edited this photo with my new cell phone, a Moto e. I am still getting to know how to use it. It is my first smartphone, and I am catching on to all the features. My cousin told me how the building next to this burned down last summer, and when the brick wall next to this was removed....this wall was revealed. A very old advertisement, about a 120 years old, according to my research. Palouse, Washington is very small town located about 3 miles from the Idaho border, just on the edge of the Palouse region. The Palouse News was printed between 1892 to 1897. This area is a nice place to visit. I was there too early in the day to stop at any of the shops. I drove a highway into Pullman, Washington, home of Washington State University...then the ten miles to Moscow, Idaho. Back to present time at the local Starbucks for a Vanilla Chai Tea Latte...so good!