Vintage Camping Stuff...the Snack-Toaster

Saturday, August 6, 2016

I went to the Brownsville, Oregon antique/junk faire today. This pretty little town has held this event for 25 years, and I have been many times, it is always the first Saturday in August. The event is held in Pioneer Park where there are many lovely large Maples and grass. There was lots of good stuff and the prices are good. One vendor had some old camping stuff, and vintage things that caught my attention. I saw her booth as I entered the park, looked at some things but decided to look at all the booths before making a purchase. You see, I only had $40 with me as a budget measure. I was tempted by other things that I saw....but didn't buy anything. My last stop was back to the old camping stuff. She still had the things that I liked. A price negotiation and the deal done.

This photo is not mine, and my item is a double unit, to make 2 sandwiches at the same time. These are from about 1958-1962, made in the USA. The maker was Federal Mfg, of Brooklyn NY. Mine has been used maybe one time.

Many families had these for camping. I don't really remember using this with my family, I didn't have one until about 1976 (I still have it and it is in my trailer). I did some research on these devises and found that it is a unusual collecting item...although the history and value is hard to find. Hum?