I found one of these Luna LED Lights ($2, new, in package) at a thrift store. It looked liked a good idea to try. For a cheap price, I took it home to Prairie Flower. I have this little red portable power charger in my trailer (it's about the size of a pack of cards), for cell phones and my e-reader. This little gadget plugged right in and gave great light. It is LED so the power usage is very little, it is rated for 20,000 hours of use. The flexible 9" snake neck allows bending it to use the light many ways. I used it as a reading light for a hardback book. I am very happy with this item, and recommend to other campers without electric lights in their vintage trailers.

Luna LED Light - A Good Thing
Tuesday, October 4, 2016
I found one of these Luna LED Lights ($2, new, in package) at a thrift store. It looked liked a good idea to try. For a cheap price, I took it home to Prairie Flower. I have this little red portable power charger in my trailer (it's about the size of a pack of cards), for cell phones and my e-reader. This little gadget plugged right in and gave great light. It is LED so the power usage is very little, it is rated for 20,000 hours of use. The flexible 9" snake neck allows bending it to use the light many ways. I used it as a reading light for a hardback book. I am very happy with this item, and recommend to other campers without electric lights in their vintage trailers.