Wednesday, July 12, 2017
I am going to UKE U in Bend Oregon, over the next few days. I am looking for personal growth, learning to be a better ukulele player, and people who are interested in things that I like to do.

This is a quote from Brave Girl's Club.

It's so important to surround yourself with the right kinds of people when you are striving to live a meaningful life. We can not always choose whom we walk with on our paths in life, but whenever we can, it makes everything easier, more joyful, and so much more productive when we choose to spend our days with people who bring out the best in us, see the best in us, and believe the best about us.

Seek out kinds of people who make you want to become a better person, the kinds of people who are focusing on positive and good things in life.

It will inevitably rub off on you and before you know it, YOU will be the one that others are seeking out because YOU are leaving everyone better, happier, and more hopeful than they were before you found them.

You have SO MUCH more influence than you know.