When only a small amount of a particularly beautiful fabric remains my heart is tempted to fold it carefully, place it gently upon the fabric shelves around eye level, and leave it there to gaze at lovingly for the next however many years.
But my head tells me something else. Use it. And the past year or two I have tended to listen to my head more often than not.
(hope you're not one of those people who hates it when someone begins a sentence with 'and' or 'but'...I used to be like that but now I write how I speak...so I'm forgiven, right?)
The floral fabric inside my new needle/thread/scissor keeper, or as I officially call it, a sewing supplies folder, is one that very much held my heart for quite a while, which is why it needed to be displayed in a forever home. So I made this folder with a 'home' on the cover!
Inside there are roomy white-lace trimmed pockets which can hold larger things than the average needle-book. Jenny
I found a new blog that features many wonderful patterns and tutorials. This is one that really captured my eye, so I'm sharing with my readers.
www.elefantz.com and then look under tutorials.