First of all I want to say that I have sympathy for everyone who is affected by Hurricane Michael. The news that we get here in the Pacific NW shows extreme devastation.
The weather news here is that we are going to have a beautiful fall for the next 10 days or so. Sunny, dry, and about 72 F. The forest fires are not out, they will smolder all winter. That is pretty normal.
I have so much work doing outdoor cleanup, and putting things away for winter, and getting ready for rainy season here. I fill the tractor bucket with loads of plant materials to dispose of...it all goes on a compost pile. I have plants to move, and dahlias to dig. There is the garlic to plant, and tulips too.
I hope to go mushroom hunting for Chanterelles in a few days.
The farm feels pretty odd, without any livestock. It is all part of my plan to make live easier here for us. It trim the things, one at a time. Now is the time to sell some of the excess livestock equipment. Hubby has my horse trailer in the shop, to clean and do some small repairs, put on new tires....then sell.
We have a friend who is going to purchase all our hay.
I am going to see if I can sell two of my saddles. A vintage western Side Saddle and a youth size Saddle. I am keeping three saddles. This is part of my overall plan....