The last three days have been a flurry of activity here on the farm. The weather here in the Pacific NW Oregon, has been warm and dry, prefect for working outdoors. Everything from A (apples) to Z (Zucchini). Actually, there has not been much canning and cooking. The outdoor work for putting to farm to bed for the fall and winter rainy season was first priority for us.
I did prune back all my perennials, the lavender plants were a big project to prune. Last year I purchased a battery operated mini-pruner. Let me say that I highly recommend this device for completing the work efficiently and saving my hands.
I told the hubby that I would not assist him with a certain project.....it leads him to yell at me...and be a jerk. NO...I am not helping, I will ask the nephew to help. He figured out how to do it by himself with the tractor.
The pool is winterized for now, and the patio rugs, plants, concrete statures, chairs, umbrellas, and pottery are put away before the rain starts.
I cleaned out the greenhouse, and got rid of some old stuff, and organized my stuff in there. It is so much better.
Life is quiet and safe here.