From - Mia at Soul Woman Circles
"Only a few hours before we move into a sparkly new chapter of our lives.
And as THIS chapter comes to an end, I wanted to take a deep breath and say goodbye to a year that brought all kinds of intensity.
I'm grateful for the challenges and the lessons. The laughter and the grief. The beauty and the burn-out.
Thank you, 2018, Thank you for how you challenged me, what you demanded of me, and how you served me. Thank you.
And now it's time to take a deep dive into all that 2019 has in store for us.
It's time to raise our vibration and energetic standards, expect the best, and follow our desires into our best year yet.
I encourage you to look at 2019 and ask yourself these very important questions:
:: What do you want from life in the coming months?
:: What is next for you?
:: Who do you feel called to be, to do what you have to do, to fulfill your heart's desires?
2019 is ready to team up with you to do incredible things. I am sure of it.
As you think through this year and these questions, please know this:
Your desires are nothing but an inner compass to guide you. And your heart always knows the way.
It's your job now to check in with what you truly want and be guided by your desires.
I believe that, when we're tuned into our inner guidance, our calling and the flow of our purpose, our lives get to feel good. And be fun.
We want to help you get into a beautiful flow with life, love, and money.
So let's make 2019 a year you'll never forget -- the year that nothing can stop you, the year that energetically you're happier, healthier and wealthier than ever before, the year you rise.
Only you can decide that you will not wait one more day to do your part to create the life you want.
Please know that I believe in you. All YOU have to do is believe in your gifts, follow your heart, and show up for yourself and others who need you.
I love you!
Mia xo"