While there are a lot of things that contribute to feeling happy, there are 3 specific keys to happiness that I want to share with you.
The ability to live in the present moment.
The ability to accept and love yourself just as you are, no matter what happens.
The ability to freely BE yourself, no matter where you are.
1. Living in the Present Moment
Whenever you’re able to stay in the present moment, and not get lost in your mind, it is SO much easier to be happy.
You know what happens when you’re mind wanders backwards and dredges up the past, and what happens when it drifts off into the future. Usually this results in all sorts of uneasy emotions and thought patterns that don’t work for you.
But when you stay in the present moment, none of that exists. No past, no future, just now. And in the now, you’re here, and you get to just BE. That is a place of ease and peace, where happiness shines through.
2. Loving Yourself
When you accept yourself, like yourself, feel love for yourself despite everything, then you shift out of judgment, comparison and resistance.
What remains is ease and peace, and happiness shines through.
3. Being Yourself
And when you love yourself, the flow on result is you’re much more likely to willingly BE yourself in all situations in your life – irrespective of who you’re with, what’s going on, or what you’re doing.
You’re comfortable in your own skin, and you show up as the same authentic you in all moments.
Common Sense
It makes sense right… because obviously being lost in your mind isn’t a recipe for happiness. Your mind seems intent, when left to its own devices, to focus on things that aren’t helpful and finding reasons not to be happy.
And when you don’t accept, like and love yourself, and you’re therefore not comfortable being yourself, there is no freedom. There is no genuine happiness.
For these reasons, learning to live in the present moment and learning how to accept, like, love and be yourself in all moments, are KEYS to a happy life.
From The Daily Positive www.thedailypositive.com