This woman, Mary Elizabeth Attwater is my 12th Great Grandmother. She was born 1527, Royton, Lenham, Kent, England. She died May 11, 1620, Marshall, Essex, England.
If these dates are correct. She would have been 93 at death.
My adventures of tracing my ancestors is pretty interesting. Her mother was Katharine Bright, born 1505 and died April 26, 1561. Her father was Robert Attwater 1479-1565.
I have traced back to Godefried Ate Water, my 21st Great Grandfather, He was born 1260 in Lenham, Kent, England. He died in 1338, in his hometown, having lived a long life of 78 years.
He was born 759 yrs ago.
My information is from Ancestry.
To put a historical reference to this, the Magna Carta, was signed in 1215. This is over 800 yrs ago.