I've been diving deep into soulwork lately...and I just wanted to share a few things I'm learning that are having a massive impact on me. I'm learning about WISDOM. I read a quote earlier this week by Dr. Joe Dispenza and it said "A memory without the emotional charge is wisdom."
I've really been chewing on what that means. The layer of it I'm digesting now is that we have to be so careful the stories we tell ourselves about ourselves. We have to be so careful the story we tell ourselves about our lives. We have to be so careful the stories we tell ourselves about things that have happened, and what they mean about us.
When we can take a memory and pull the gold out of it, the stuff that was a worthwhile lesson, the stuff that transformed us, the stuff that changed the course of our lives to get us to go to the next place in our growth - THAT is wisdom.
When we spin around in the pain of it, in the questions, in the shame and blame...the wisdom is still buried and we can't move forward.
Sending you great love today.