Looking at the Next Month

Monday, March 30, 2020

Now that we are staying home for another 4 weeks...I sincerely hope that the cases of COVID-19 drops. My state does not have a huge problem yet.

I understand that Oregon is terribly un-prepared for the situation. We don't have testing abilities, the few that are available are only used for the very ill.

The ICU beds per capita is worst in the nation.

I have investigated the information about wearing face masks. We have been told not to wear them, due to shortage. They are needed for PPE.

A personal face mask may be needed in the near future.

Making your own mask is possible. A simple cotton fabric can be 50% effective to protect yourself.  The best material is actually a new vacuum cleaner bag cut into this pattern 80+% effective.

I am thinking that making a few fabric masks in case we may need them.

Here is a DIY for anyone interested.