Sheltering in Place on the Farm

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

I think that she and I kinda look alike.

We are both in the advanced age group that is recommended to self-quarantine at home for 2 weeks at this time. The old man is diabetic, and his immune system is lower. Me? I am healthy as a horse...I always have been. I am not health compromised. I will stay home for the time period.

Old man and I will be at odds, and maybe it will be very bad. Probably! The Old Man Crap will make me nuts.

The good thing is that we own a 10 acre farm and timber property. It is very rural, about 6 miles out of town. We are friends with our closest families, and they are also in our age group. We can and will help each other, one of these neighbors is a Physicians Assistant (isn't that handy). This situation is serious, and I do not take it lightly.

I did think ahead for projects around the house to do. I conned him to go to the home improvement store to get the supplies. Then when we are stuck together for 2 weeks there are outdoor things to do. Mostly, I am thinking that this is a perfect opportunity to work in the garden. These projects will take several days to complete.

Weeding, transplanting, dividing plants, and cleaning up old plants from last summer. I want to get it all prepped and ready to go. 

I do need to order some materials online for the garden, and some seeds. 

Seeds! I wanted to buy started plants....not grow everything from seed....bummer!