This is another great essay from The Daily Positive. Finding these uplifting, and wonderful words that I relate to my life at this terrible crisis, is helpful for me.
Now is not a time for contraction and fear, for shrinking away and letting yourself be small.
In the face of any challenge, stand up and let your light shine. Now perhaps more than ever this is needed.
The light that has always been in you. It was there the moment you sprung forth into life. A glowing light in the core of your being. A light that is NEVER extinguished, no matter what.
What the world needs right now is:
Light. Hope. Faith. Possibility. Unity. Love. Innovation. Creativity. Progression. New ways of living, being, working and relating.
If you contract and pull back, if you allow fear to set up camp inside of you, you stop the flow of all these things in you and through you.
Despite what it may seem like right now, with the enormity of energy around "shutdown", and "lockdown" and "isolation", while these are very important and practical aspects of what we are doing as a global family, that is not what we want to do with our INDIVIDUAL ENERGY.
So the question is - how do we allow ourselves to remain open and expansive in our energy?
Here's a simple question to answer that will help you tap into your higher vibration energy and natural flow...
What is it that your heart truly wants?
What your heart desires is no mistake. The soul, spirit, essence in you, the life force energy flowing through you... it is naturally expansive, creative and evolving.
Give yourself permission to imagine, to dream, to have a vision, to create, to think progressively and to live in your slipstream. It will lift your spirits.
Whether you want more peace, or more adventure, or more friends, or more wisdom, or more learning opportunities, or more excitement, or more creativity, or more love, or more freedom... let your heart want what it wants. Be bold. Say out loud what you want. Speak to life. Life wants you to flow and experience fully.
Amid a global wave of fear and contraction, where so many people are feeling worried, trapped, stressed or anxious, you can let your light shine forth. You can activate your energy in a really powerful way that will serve you and serve everyone.
It is healing to stand amid chaos and hold a vision. It is calming to face your challenges and retain hope and possibility. It is not denying facts. It is seeing facts and rising up at the same time.
The Universe hasn't stopped listening to you. A Higher Power hasn't stopped hearing your heartfelt needs and wants. Energy hasn't stopped moving. There is still divine flow.
Step into that flow. Continue to focus on what you want, for both yourself, your loved ones and humanity. Boldly proclaim to life what you choose.