I am completely disappointed in the old man. He thinks since he is 73, he can get away with anything. He cannot control his month. Blurting out any obnoxious thing that comes inside his mind.
He refuses to be responsible. He is careless about the consequences of his behavior. He does/says what he likes and doesn't care about it and what happens after. He actually says "I didn't do it." Well...who did it then.
I can't really rely on this irresponsible man. Even if he agrees to do something, and then refuses, or puts it off for months.
Is this some kind of aging situation? I don't know...but it makes me crazy.
I talked with him about his responsibility to apologize, and make things right with our daughter. He agreed that he would. Two days later....he said no!
This is so bizarre....all I can think is that there must be some kind of brain disfunction behind this. Or...this is just the run of the mill crazy, weird, old man crap. This behavior is very typical of him...and then add some ranting to it.
I am the strong person here. I struggle everyday with the old man crap, it is sometimes so completely confusing, and irritating.