Level 2 Evacuation...Taking My Trailer

Tuesday, August 10, 2021


OK,'s time to be ready to leave, on a moments notice. It seems surreal. We are living in complete wildfire smoke, and cannot see the fire. The reports tell me that is about 2.3 miles from here.

Evacuation Level 2, ready, set, go, Evacuation Level 3... leave immediately.

I will try to get a good night's sleep tonight. 

Leave tomorrow, go to Red Cross Evacuation Location to check in. And from there??

Communications are slow at best. Once we lose electric power, internet, and landline telephone, there are car radios. We have no cell phone service, just connecting to internet.

They say that officials, Deputies, State Police, and more will be here with all their resources...loud speakers and whatever, to tell us to leave immediately.

I am calm, and not thinking about what I will lose. Insurance is good, and the fire fighters are certain that they can save our place. Make it a safety area. 

I don't want to wait to the freak out, extremely frightened, last minute reaction.

Wait and see until tomorrow. Updates if possible.