Covid Delta Exposed

Wednesday, September 1, 2021


Today I am talking (ranting) about all those folks who are not vaccinated.

Do you know that both parents die and leave their orphaned children?

That you are putting your own parents at risk? And...they do die from your exposure? Do you care if they die?

Old man crap has just spent the last week hunting with a younger friend...and this friend was tested positive today. Yes!

This younger friend is really why I ask? It is not difficult to be can drop by a pharmacy after work...

Well, anyway, now we are both exposed to the Delta Covid 19. Now, we should be in Quarantine for 14 days. And get tested sooner...

I am angry! I can only hope that our vaccinations keep us safe. But, we may still be infected and pass it on...with no signs of illness.

What a bummer!!! If I test positive....the anger goes viral.