Susan B. Anthony

Sunday, July 23, 2023

To all my women who read my blog.  Are you watching the USA, the Biden, and all his cronies are attacking women. They are doing everything to make the male transgendered into "fake women" acceptable in sports, when this is ludicrous!!!

Ludicrous Definition - 
stupid or unreasonable and deserving to be laughed at

Males who have gone thru puberty have more physical ability, are stronger, faster, than women at any sport.

Furthermore, Do you really think that these male trans to women should be allowed to be inside a womens locker room. Do girls and women believe that naked male trans people, should be exposing their genitals to young girls (5-18). This is actually an abusive sexist policy that harms our girls and women!

The Democratic Party of 2023, is ignoring Women's Rights.