Sometimes we try too hard to make a relationship work. We go too far and wonder why we are so tired. We give and give some more. Then realize we gave too much of ourselves. Bitterness shows up. We get annoyed a lot easier. This is good! It’s a sign to grab our attention. Relationships are hard enough when both people put in the effort. Yet, when it is one-sided, it’ll get tiresome and hurtful.
You are worthy of love and respect. You no longer accept empty promises. You no longer hope they’ll change. Something deep inside has changed you. At first, you offer them a compromise. You ask directly, how can we make this work? What will it take? And if there’s no action to go with their words, you have your answer.
Nelson Mandela writes, “There is no passion to be found playing small– in settling for a life that is less than the one you are capable of living.” Yes. This is true. Now is the time to grow into your new wings. Set a course, and fly.
With much love & respect,
Carolyn Riker, Author of “The Colors I Hear”
Artist: Hülya Özdemir
Time has been difficult. The Old Man Crap is having a "tantrum". He offends me every time he opens his mouth, no holding back and I despair. Today is difficult.......