French Antiques

Thursday, October 14, 2010

I enjoyed seeing these items and wanted to share them on my blog. I have been a homebody recently.....fall projects to complete. Canned 12 pints of spaghetti sauce yesterday, and picked many more tomatoes, put inside the market umbrellas, and patio rugs, cleaned up part of the garden too.
I wrote about a local (Eugene, Oregon) jewelry company named Brocante earlier this month. I checked them out online...guess what? It is a very profitable company, 1 -2.5 million$$$ in sales. Wow, I was shocked! I guess that there is a good number of people who love their creations, and purchase them.
The chantrelle mushrooms are ready for picking now, excellent wild mushrooms. I have dried them for winter use, and this fall I think that I will can some. I think that they will be better that way. BTW, the stores are selling fresh ones for $10 a lb right now.