You are an Oak...

Monday, November 26, 2018
oregon white oak

Are you tired of people being condescending and belittling you? No one can make you feel small. They can try, but they won't succeed. You are a mighty oak that is firmly rooted in your own self-worth and confidence. Stop reacting and start owning your inner power.

When someone is condescending and tries to belittle you, remember:
  • This says everything about their own challenges and nothing at all about you.
  • There is nothing little about you.
  • Their behavior cannot make you small.
  • You are a mighty oak that is firmly rooted in your own self worth and confidence.
  • At the same time, resist judging them. Their inner challenges, pain and ego have driven them to that point. We all know what it’s like to be lost on our journey. Who are we to judge?
  • Resist reacting, and instead set boundaries, step away, retain your personal power.
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