Controlling Messy Stuff

Saturday, August 17, 2019

I don't have the answer for the mess. If I had the space...I would double the size of my room and get it organized. That is impossible, so what to do?

This is a large home, however no storage!

I have been looking for a few things for about a week now....finally found them...this is not good. I must do something! 

I decided to begin this journey in other ways. I started by going thru the linen cupboard and pulled out everything that I don't want anymore. I donated a bunch of sheets and towels. I attacked the other stuff in the bathroom to organize and discard stuff. I stopped the dreaded stalling tactic, and moving forward to disposing of stuff.

It is not hard to discard those things, so I am starting in areas of the house that are relatively easy to go thru... and eventually work toward the craft studio.