I Need A Calming Space For A Retreat

Sunday, August 25, 2024


What Highly Sensitive People Need to Be Happy

1. A slower, simpler pace of life

Because they process information deeply, HSPs may move a little slower than non-HSPs. They may need more time to do certain tasks, like getting out of the house in the morning. They may take a little longer to make decisions, such as which item to buy at the grocery store, because they are taking in not just the mountain of choices, but also nutrition information, price, and how they feel about chicken noodle. 

2. Time to wind down after a busy day

Like introverts, HSPs can’t go-go-go for too long. Their extra sensitive nervous systems absorb mounds of information and process it to the umpteenth degree. As a result, they may get easily overwhelmed and worn out after a busy day. Time to relax lowers their stimulation level and restores their sanity.

3. A calm, quiet space to retreat to

Preferably #2 is paired with #3. This space, ideally, would have low lighting, little noise, a warm feeling, a beautiful look, and the HSP’s favorite tools to relax (a book, music, a comfy pillow, etc.).

4. Permission to get emotional and have a good cry

Not only are HSPs extra sensitive to environmental stimulation, they’re also sensitive emotionally.  Sensitive people tend to cry more than non-HSPs. Sensitive people can’t help but express what they’re feeling, They show their anger, they show their happiness. Appreciating that is really important.”

5. Time to adjust to change

Transitions can be tough for anybody, but for HSPs, they can quickly snowball into a bundle of stress and overwhelm. Even positive changes, like starting a new relationship or moving into a dream home, can be overstimulating and require an extra long period of adjustment.

6. Close, meaningful relationships

HSPs crave deep connections with others. They may get bored or restless in relationships that lack meaningful interaction. They may actually work harder to strike up a meaningful conversation with their partner and create intimacy.

This also means HSPs tend to be selective about the people they let into their lives. A simple surface-level, give-and-take relationship will simply not cut it for an HSP. They want to dive deep into your soul and connect with you in a profound way. Let them.

7. A gentle, healthy way of managing conflict

HSP or not, fighting with a loved one is the worst, but sensitive people tend to feel extra anxious when conflict arises. Often an internal battle takes place. The HSP may have strong feelings about something, but they keep them to themselves, because they don’t want to make the other person mad. Dealing with an angry person can be overstimulating.

Plus, we hate hurting other people because we know from personal experience just how much that sucks. HSPs tend to have high levels of empathy, and this is just one of the ways our caring for others shows up. This means sensitive people often hide their needs and just keep the peace, or

go along to get along. They need a healthy way of dealing with 

disagreements that doesn’t involve yelling or drama.

8. A good night’s sleep

A lack of sleep is enough to make anyone cranky, sloppy, and oh-so-unproductive. But a lack of sleep for an HSP can make life almost unbearable. Getting enough sleep helps soothe the HSP’s ramped-up senses and allows them to process their emotions. How much sleep a sensitive person gets can literally make or break their day.

9. Healthy meals, spaced regularly throughout the day.

Hunger can really mess with a sensitive person’s mood or concentration. 

10. Caffeine-free and nonalcoholic options

Surprise, surprise… some HSPs are more sensitive to the effects of caffeine and alcohol.

11. An outlet for their creative side

Many HSPs have a strong need to create. They channel their poignant observations, insights, and emotions into art, poetry, music, and more. Sensitivity can be overwhelming, but…creativity is the pressure valve for all that accumulated emotional and sensory data.

12. A strong sense of purpose

Some people seem to drift through life without direction or purpose. For HSPs, this is unthinkable. Rather, they think deeply about the big things in life. Who are they, why are they here, and what were they put on this planet to do?  

13. Loved ones who understand and respect their sensitive nature

Because most people are not highly sensitive, they simply don’t understand what it’s like to get very stressed out by, say, a startling noise, a busy weekend, or a violent scene in a movie. Not everyone will understand, and that’s okay. But what an HSP needs is at least a few people — preferably the people closest to them — to “get” their sensitivity. Someone who not only gets it, but helps protect them from overstimulation.

14. Natural surroundings and beauty

Our environment affects us. For example, people tend to feel happier in rooms with curved edges and rounded contours than in sharp-edged rectangular rooms. Also, green spaces boost our mood and soothe mental illness. For HSPs, this effect is even more profound. For them, the way things look really matters. Cluttered, chaotic, or just plain ugly environments may really unsettle them. Beauty is a soul-balm that rejuvenates and soothes.

ByJenn Granneman