Making Fabulous Jewelry?
Friday, September 30, 2011
I am thinking about making my own jewelry. I have seen such wonderful and creative things made by crafty women. I have started collecting some old jewelry items at the second hand stores and garage sales...real cheap. I just don't want to buy expensive things at the craft store for starting out and practice. I have a small shoe box full now, I guess it is time to get inspired. I need to just start. These photos are very pretty... and just the things that I like.
I also like to go to the outlet stores about 2 times a year. 2 days ago I did just that, and stopped at the Fossil Store. They had bunches of nice handbags, and tons of watches. There were also several jewelry displays. I found 2 really nice necklaces (that I loved) at 80% off retail, I know that I could never make these for that price (jewelry stuff is so expensive). So..maybe crafting jewelry is just a silly idea.