Dear Magnificent Soul,
Gratitude is good medicine. Not just for you, either — it’s good medicine for anyone who may be around when you are expressing gratitude, or even better, when you are living your life from a place of gratitude.
Here’s the thing though, friend. Sometimes, it’s really difficult to feel grateful and to behave as if you are grateful. It is a true discipline to live in gratitude, because there is so much around, reminding us of all we don’t have, and of all the places we fall short. We often get into the habit of looking for what’s going wrong, before we even think about what’s going right. We fall into the hole of envy and jealousy and thinking things aren’t fair. Don’t feel bad . . . everyone does it. We just have to make some new habits.
Before you get out of bed, try thinking of 3 things you’re grateful for. Really let your heart feel grateful for those things. As you are going to sleep, think of 3 more good things in your life and express gratitude for those things. Then, start practicing throughout the day. Thank your food, your water, your people. Thank the sky, your clothes, your breath. Before you know it, you’ll be filled with so much gratitude, there won’t be room for anything else.
It’s a great way to live. And you deserve a great life.
You are so very loved.
from www.braveliving.com
A personal note from me. I started practicing gratitude every day, even if I didn't feel like it. Just before I go to sleep, I express gratitude for the good things in my life. I made it a daily ritual, and it works for me.