Let the world be whatever it is. Stand peacefully in observation. If a vortex of negativity whirls toward you, choose not to be sucked in!
People may say things and do things - and it FEELS like an attack on you.
You then react negatively, getting upset and feeling the need to defend yourself... naturally! Of course that's your immediate instinct, because your survival mechanism is to protect yourself.
That defense you put up, well... that comes across to the other person as an attack. Because they feel attacked, what do they do? Defend themselves of course, that's their natural instinct.
Now you're caught in a never ending cycle of attack, defend, attack, defend. This problem plagues so many people, and in fact it plagues our entire planet.
For some people this pattern can play out quite intensively, across all situations and different relationships. That's often because they SEE THE WORLD as a place that is always attacking, and they're on edge waiting for it to happen.
It's quite exhausting getting upset and reacting negatively. Plus it creates unnecessary friction in your mind, body and energy field, which is bad for your well being in every way!
You want a more peaceful life - I know you do! Anyone interested in positivity and personal growth wants that... peace, happiness, flow.
So, G and J. This is for you. The hate ends now, I am leaving the vortex of negativity. I am taking care of myself...please do not send any more hate mail.