When Life Does It's Thing...................

Thursday, June 13, 2019

When life does its thing, and you feel triggered, what do you do?

Because... what you choose in that moment is what DEFINES YOUR LIFE.

Your life is just a flowing consequence of how you REACT or RESPOND, over and over again.

And by the way - it's human that you feel triggered. There's nothing wrong with having upset feelings! You're not meant to be perfect and never feel upset about anything.  All feelings are valid.

BUT... you get to CHOOSE what you do in RESPONSE to how you feel.

You can say "no more" to pain right now, and move into a whole new state of being and way of living.

And while of course it does require you to take on board some new perspectives, and practice applying those in your daily life, it does NOT require grueling hard work, nor years of painful personal growth in order to get your zen-like inner peace happening!

In fact, my personal view is that taking on new peace-invoking perspectives and applying them is actually fun! It's far from hard work.

Having a paradigm shift is actually quite exhilarating at times. And, at the very least, it's a massive relief to be on this ride called life and NOT fall into the trap of the "emotional yo-yo" - going up and down emotionally in response to things we can't control - difficult situations, difficult people, uncertainty and all the other parts of life that tend to push our hot buttons and disrupt our peace and flow.