The garden died yesterday when the early morning temperature dropped to 28 degrees F. I didn't try to prevent it by covering the plants.
The garden did not produce well this year. I have pretty good ideas about the reason. The entire raised bed system needs a good, heavy, thick, compost added to it. The soil fertility was not good enough, and there may have been a watering problem.
I had to purchase produce to can this year. Bummer....
I have been waiting for the frost to remove the dead plants, and I want to get a thick layer of compost on it for the winter.
I do have a whole bunch of fallen apples, and maybe I will throw those on top of the raised beds to rot.
The garlic needs to be planted soon. Then there will be time for it to put down roots in the fall. I think Columbus Day is a good time for me to plant it. I saved some of the largest, best, garlic. I do this yearly, and am creating a garlic that produces best for this place.