Going Alone

Tuesday, June 16, 2020


Sometimes you just
 need a break. In a
 beautiful place. Alone.
To figure everything out.

How about you? Life has become difficult, and loss of personal interests is something that I grieve for. My attempts to figure it out are leaving me at wits end. How, why, who do I believe is telling the truth and what are they? Are we heading for a 1984, George Orwell, society! Please tell me no way. I read that book in high school...decades ago. Let's just say this, the 50th year reunion has been canceled due to Covid. Most everything I enjoy has been canceled. Let's see, what is left.

Staying Home.
Reading a Book.
Vegetable Garden.
Maybe taking out my trailer.
Wearing Yoga Pants, and Life is Good T's.
Birkenstocks, Sunglasses and Big Sun Hats.
Letting my Hair Go, and wearing a Ponytail.
Painting my Fingernails.
Kindle Books, oh yeah it is near the top of this list...

Then there's never-ending...
Yard Work.
Pool Maintenance.

The most important thing to add to this
list is self care. 

My Physical and Mental Health.

OK, maybe I am over sharing! It is my mood today!