How Do You Find Strength?

Monday, June 15, 2020


"Strength does not come from physical capacity. It comes from an indomitable will."
- Mahatma Gandhi
In the most painful, difficult, challenging times in your own life, if you feel despairing, powerless, helpless or hopeless...

HOW do you find strength?
HOW do you have faith that there is possibility for things to change?

Below are just a few ideas.

1. When we don't feel strong

When we are exhausted, confused, and not sure how to face whatever issues or challenges life has thrown at us, let us remember that we DO have a powerful strength inside us, even if we can't FEEL it in that moment.

You are a divine being. You have the power of creation, Creator, God, the Universe, Divinity flowing through your veins, beating your heart and supporting every cell of your body, and every ounce of your being.  

When we can't feel that strength which is our birth-right and birth-truth, we must actively love ourselves where we stand and allow ourselves to have all our feelings, and also at the very same time remind ourselves that STRONG is who we are.

Remember a time in your life when you felt strong.
Even one small moment, one memory, one experience where you were strong, felt strong or acted strong.
That is who you are.

2. When we waiver in our faith

When we can't see any type of support showing up, or any kind of meaningful progress or change happening with the issues/challenges we so badly need resolved, reflect...

Remember a time in your life when you noticed support show up in a surprising or miraculous way.
When you felt like unseen hands were helping you, when it felt like the right information or people were arriving in your path.
See if you can name a moment when you FELT supported.
Hold onto the hope and sense of comfort that past moment gave you.

3. Give yourself what you need

You have needs, and those needs are real and valid. You deserve to have your needs met.

Ask yourself what is 1 nourishing thing you could do for yourself right now, showing yourself that you love yourself, and meeting your own needs.
It might be you need rest, or it might be you need to reach out for support, or it might be you need to voice out your thoughts and feelings.
Whatever you need, your needs are valid.

With love