Let's Take A Break

Thursday, July 30, 2020


My blog took a break. Google changed it to the new blog format they created. It took me 3 days to figure out how to write a new post. No Kidding!

Navigating with the new format is strange, the way to write a new post is very different than before.

I am putting in long days here on the farm, so much to do just day to day...the garden is producing, and that means harvesting and caring for the food. Today, I looked at all the jars of home canned food, to determine what I need to can. I looked at the dates on jars, pulled out the old food to toss.

I looked thru the pantries, to organize and to rid myself of old outdated food. It pained me to toss the 4 bags of flour, but they were years past freshness and I knew that they would be bad. 

The best thing is now to job is done, and now there is much needed room in the pantries.  Now to plan for tomorrow's projects....