Yes, Yes, Yes!

Monday, July 27, 2020


Just leave out the old southern woman part, and replace with cranky old woman! Add a line, I do not talk to my husband.

This lockdown is just terrible. One interesting thing happened when I stopped talking to him......he became better to me. The Old Man Crap is much less. I still keep an eye on him, who knows what shit he might do when I am not looking.

I have a long to do list for myself. I stay busy all the time, and my mind is on target. Today, I was trying to find room for my summer clothing (I packed it into a box last fall.)  This house is lousy with no closet space. 

Last summer and fall, I cleaned out clothing, and reduced most of my stuff...but that is not enough. Today, I seriously edited my clothing...4 boxes. I have more work to do. The only thing that I did not part with is a dress. I purchased it fall 1996, for the passing of my mother. I think that was the saddest day of my life. I wore it 2 times.

I think that I may use the skirt to make a scarf or as trim, with some ingenuity I may figure out a pretty way to use it.

I went thru my scarves last week and decided to keep about 10% at I love. I love my vintage silk collection... but some of them will get the boot.

The things that worked for me 10 yrs ago, are out of date, and the styles are so old.

I have not found any nice jeans this spring/summer, my current ones are too big around the waist.  The good news is that I had 2 that fit me (at the bottom of a pile), and still work for 2020. YAY!!!

Happy closet diving everyone!