Taking Control of Adrenaline

Friday, September 4, 2020


I have been working on slowing myself, and slowing the adrenaline  induced wacky days that seem to have no end.  The pandemic, and other personal matters have made me do this focused behavior...the fight or flight response. I am using this seemingly normal behavior to keep myself from the horrible experience of the last several months.  The fear of the unknown, of the future, and for myself too.

I am making myself slow down when the hot weather is unbearable. I stay indoors and read a little and nap a little. The big projects are still driving me to complete...I cleaned the gutters on the house today! I washed all my outdoor jackets and coats today, and now they are ready for fall and winter. I have taken several loads of stuff to donate to charity. And I still have much work!

I see somewhere on the vast horizon...that I might complete some of the work.

By the way, my laptop software is not working correctly, I am trying to fix it. If the blog has a black background...this is why.