
Saturday, June 10, 2023


We need to change our perspective

Our goal should be to find compassion and kindness in every situation. We should look for this even if it means looking past the negative. In every circumstance we have the opportunity to choose to see the positive effect. For instance, when we go through trials like sickness or losing a job, we have the opportunity to find the good. Maybe the sickness brings greater appreciation for what we had, maybe it brings us closer to loved ones or maybe it renews a strength and determination we thought we had lost. When a job is lost unexpectedly, maybe we need to look for the new opportunities that become available or the motivation to learn a new skill.

If we want to see kindness we need to show kindness. If we truly want to see more positive in the world than we need to be a more positive person ourselves. Here are some simple ways to be good:

  • We can listen to people and give them our full attention.
  • We can smile at strangers.
  • We can offer a helping hand.
  • We can share a compliment.
  • We can do a random act of kindness.
  • We can use the manners we’d like to see in return.

3 challenges for this week where you can “be the good” and make an impact

1) Make an effort to look for a positive attribute in someone around you and pay them a compliment. Try to do this at least once a day and notice how their reaction makes you feel.

2) Smile at a stranger in a situation where you would normally look away (an elevator, in line at a store, passing a co-worker in the hall). It may be uncomfortable at first but try it on a few people and see how often the smile is returned.

3) Do a random act of kindness for someone and focus on how it makes you feel. Notice if your perspective for the rest of the day changes.

by Leslie Kuckler